Tips & Tricks

Spring Cleaning Week: Spring Cleaning Tips & Tricks All Week Long

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It's spring cleaning week here on the Unboxed blog!

Spring is so close you can almost feel it: the morning light creeping through your window, birds chirping in the trees, the lemony scent of home cleaners in the air… wait, what was that last one?!

You didn’t think you could get through spring without some spring cleaning, did you? Yes, it’s time to break out the trash bags, lemon-scented cleaners, and lots of rubber gloves. Welcome to spring cleaning season.

We’re here to make spring cleaning easier for you. This week on the Unboxed blog and on our on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, you’ll find new content every day, all about decluttering, deep-cleaning, and refreshing your home, plus giveaways, contests, and more. And if you want to see all the spring cleaning fun at once, just come back here – we’ll update this page with links to all our spring cleaning content.

Ready to get started? Pop on our spring cleaning Spotify playlist and get inspired by our Spring Cleaning Pinterest board to kick things off.


Spring Cleaning Week Content

Spring Cleaning Checklist: Everything You Need to Do During Your Spring Clean Up [Infographic]

Ditch or Donate: Our Plan for Decluttering & Organizing Your Home

Scrap It: a Junk Removal Plan That Works

Win a Roomba! (details below)

Happy spring cleaning week!


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