To some people, home improvement is a hobby. To most other people, however, it’s a chore. In an ideal world no chair would wear or tear, and that sweet new sofa you snagged for $50 on Craigslist would be in perfect condition.
Fortunately, the world is filled with bright minds, whose calling is to illuminate our busy lives with items that will simplify it.
We have compiled a list of genius products that will make your life a little bit easier.
1. Paint Buddy
Don’t worry about touching about your walls anymore! Once you’ve finished putting the finishing touches on the paint job in your living room, fill up this lil guy with your remaining paint. One week later, when your dog gets his muddy paws on the wall, you won’t even bat your eyes. Paint Buddy to the rescue! The wall will be returned to good-as-new condition, sans that awkward paint color that you just THOUGHT was the right shade.
2. Sugru
Nobody’s perfect, and neither is that new table you acquired from your Great Aunt Rose! It’s wobbly, scratchy, and just a little drab. Sugru can fix that. This moldable glue turns into rubber overnight. Mold some to the base of the table legs, push it into any cracks or holes, and soon enough, Rose’s table will be working as good as new!
3. Paint Handy
Lets face it: painting is a messy, messy task. But don’t worry about lining the floor with garbage bags –Paint Handy has got you covered. The tool serves as a home for paint that doesn’t allow for any drips or spills, and is very easy to hold whilst on a ladder. Check out this video and see for yourself!
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