Tips for moving: How to Plan a Summer Move that Doesn’t Suck

Summer is among the best times of year to find an apartment and move. It also often happens to be hot, competitive, and expensive – those fun elements we all begrudgingly accept as part of the awfulness of moving.

But moving doesn’t have to suck quite as much. With some simple research and a bit of planning, you can plan a summer move that can be, we daresay, tolerable.

We know moving sucks. It’s why we make the process of estimating, booking and managing a move so simple. Just download the Dolly app, get an estimate for the items you want to move based on where you want to move them, and interact directly with your Dolly helpers through the app for the entirety of the move.

But nothing helps more than getting your summer moving plan settled in advance. To help you get prepped for the big day, we built a handy checklist of tips for moving in the summer, grounded in the unique realities of life purgatory that moving plunges us into.