
The Ultimate Guide to Renting & Moving with Dogs

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Ah, dogs: our slobbery, shedding, absolutely crazy best friends. We can’t help but love dogs – even when they eat our favorite pair of sneakers – so it’s no wonder National Dog Day on August 26th feels like anything but the dog days of summer.

But there’s one day when you don’t want to have a pooch: moving day. You’re trying to pack boxes, the movers are tripping over your dog as they load the truck, your pup’s barking has already made your new neighbors angry, and before you know it, your pooch has – er, marked their territory in your new place (goodbye, security deposit). Dogs are territorial creatures, so just like humans, they hate moving. And moving is hard enough without your frightened Fido whimpering at your feet. So we’ve put together your ultimate guide to moving with dogs to help make the move easier on you and your furry friend.

Tips for Moving with Dogs

Keep Fido’s Toys & Treats Nearby

It doesn’t matter if your dog is a newborn puppy or fully grown: moving to a new place is scary for them. Make sure they have their favorite toys with them to act as their security blanket during the move, as well as plenty of treats to reinforce positive behavior (like not barking at the neighbors). And if you’re worried about them getting into your stuff, it’s a good idea to give them some toys they can destroy while you unpack.

Keep the Cleaning Materials Close At Hand

Chances are, the new place you’re renting doesn’t smell like your dog – it probably smells like someone else’s. And just like you’ll want to put your photos on the walls to make it your own, your dog will want to put their equivalent of photos on the wall to make it theirs. Look, they’re going to mark their territory at some point (probably on your favorite carpet or your new hardwood floors), so keep some carpet-cleaner, paper towels, and your mop in an easy to reach area (not packed in a box).

Get Help Moving So You Aren’t Too Distracted From Fido

If you’re a proud paw-rent, the thought of leaving your dog alone unattended while you pack up the moving truck probably terrifies you. Instead of leaving them on their own, get an extra hand moving so you can have more time and energy to focus on your pooch. Get on-demand moving help from Dolly to take care of the heavy lifting so you can focus on the snuggling.

Know What Kind of Dogs Your New Home Allows (Before You Commit)

It’s a sad fact in life that most rentals (and even some HOAs) prohibit what breed of dog you can keep in your home. The most commonly prohibited breeds? Pitbulls, German Shepherds, Rottweilers, Great Danes, and Dobermans, though it varies by local and building regulations. Some places also have weight-specific restrictions – no dogs over 50 pounds is a standard in many city apartments. It’s important to check what the rules are before you sign your lease – otherwise, you may be in need of a new place to live when you show up with your pooch on moving day.

And Know Which Dogs Are Most Suited Towards Apartment Life

As much as you love the idea of a beautiful Husky, such fluffy, energetic dogs aren’t cut out for life in a tiny apartment. But don’t despair if you’re a large dog lover: greyhounds are perfect dogs for small spaces. Our guide to the best and worst apartment dogs is a good primer if you haven’t adopted your dream dog yet.

Opt for a Pet Sitter on Moving Day

The last thing you want when moving with dogs is for Fido’s feeling to get swept aside. Instead of leaving him to cope with the move while you haggle with the furniture, find a perfect pet sitter on Rover to care for your dog for the day. Fido will come home from what he thinks is a vacation so tired out from all the puppy playtime, hey’ll barely notice you’re in a new place.

Shower Your Pooch With Love

The most important tip for moving with dogs? Show them some love. You’re their favorite person, and so long as you’re paying attention to them, the rest doesn’t matter. So give them some extra belly rubs, a few more treats, and maybe even a new toy to make moving with your dog a breeze.

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