Moving Estate Sale Finds with the Pickary & Dolly

For Greg of Wicker Park, Chicago, estate sales aren’t just a way to find inexpensive furniture–they’re a way of life. He’s a collector and flipper of mid-century furniture, and runs a blog about his finds called the Pickary. As a furniture expert, Greg knows the importance of having a plan to get your purchases home. So when he found himself spontaneously at an estate sale with a collector’s dream item, he was disappointed when he realized his only way to bring it home was a Vespa scooter.

It was a good thing he’d heard about Dolly.

The Perfect Find

“One day, I opened up Craigslist and a piece of furniture immediately jumped out at me: a highly rare and valuable desk and chair. They were screaming out, ‘buy me!’” Greg knew he had to have it, but the seller said he needed to pick it up that day. Greg’s wife had borrowed the car for the day, so he was left with only his vespa scooter – not a great option for moving furniture.

Greg thought he was out of options. “You can only bribe your friends to help you move something so many times.” Then Greg remembered a company that he’d been hearing about from his work in the Chicago tech world. “People were raving about this startup that was focused on making the moving experience, which has traditionally been awful and extremely expensive, way better.” So he pulled out his phone and downloaded the Dolly app, praying that Dolly would help make the chairs his.

Home at Last

“I was surprised at how easy [the experience] was. The Dolly app does a nice job walking you through the booking process. And the more detail you can provide, the better the experience is.” Greg put all his information in the app–including the fact that his items were in mint condition and extremely fragile. Within minutes of posting, his job had been picked up by a pair of Helpers, who were ready to wrap the valuable furniture in blankets.

“My Helpers called to let me know they were on their way and called when they arrived at the pick up location. They called again when they were on their way to my house. They blanket-wrapped everything and brought the furniture inside and set it up where I asked them. They couldn’t have been more courteous. And the price was extremely reasonable.”

Greg loved his Dolly experience, and hopes that Dolly will inspire others to enter the world of estate sale scouring. “There’s so much amazing stuff for sale on Craigslist and at estate sales. Whether you are interested in vintage or more contemporary design, you can get really high-quality products at a fraction of their original price. It’s great for your wallet and great for the environment. So, if what’s holding you back is the fact that you don’t have an easy way to move something, you should definitely try Dolly out.”