
17 Crazy Allston Christmas Moments from Boston’s Biggest Moving Day

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It’s the end of August in Boston, and that means only one thing: Allston Christmas. With leases turning over on September 1st, almost everyone in Boston (especially the hundreds of thousands of Bostonian college students) is moving this weekend. What can you expect to find in the chaos? Free furniture (of questionable origins), bedbugs, little to no parking, and at least one moving truck stuck under a bridge on Storrow Drive.

So while you’re stuck waiting for traffic to clear or a parking spot to open up, enjoy some of the craziest Allston Christmas moving fails from past years of Boston’s wildest moving day tradition.

1. This chair graveyard that’s definitely not sanctioned by the city

2. This Allston Christmas steal that was more than meets the eye(s)

– @Scoginsbitch on Twitter

3. These folks who were, if nothing else, honest…

@jtkantor on Twitter

4. This fresh futon that’s about as trustworthy as the name “Louis Futon”

5. A front curb that’s full of…garbage? Furniture? Both?

6. These couch winners trying to bring it home on a bicycle…

– @jellytronic on Twitter

…but they probably should’ve just booked a Dolly.

7. A street corner that has fully accepted its new role as a dump

8. This rental truck whose driver really couldn’t wait for a parking spot to open up, so they parked it on the sidewalk instead

9. Dumpster Bear, a casualty of Allston Christmases and relationships past

Believe it or not, someone actually saved and re-gifted Dumpster Bear to their significant other. Merry Allston Christmas.

10. This student, who’s given up before the school year has even begun

– @Simonsshoes on Twitter

11. This shop, whose name takes on a whole new meaning during moving season

12. The horrifying truth of what happens to your old couch on September 1st

13. That time the city of Boston had to remind residents that moving trucks don’t fit on Storrow Drive…

14. But plenty of trucks got Storrowed anyway. Like this sliced truck…

– @MassStatePolice on Twitter

15. This portable on demand disaster…

16. And this person, who swore they could just barely make it

Surprise! They didn’t make it.

17. Happy Allston Christmas, Boston!

Want to avoid the craziness of Storrow Drive, parking on the sidewalk, and navigating your way through piles of furniture trash? Give your back a holiday gift this Allston Christmas by using Dolly for your move. Our Helpers are local pickup truck owners, so they know the best ways to navigate the craziness, and our pricing is guaranteed. Save yourself from the Allston Christmas craziness with Dolly.

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