Moving, Uncategorized

Roommate Issues? 11 Signs You Need to Move NOW

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Living with roommates is hard to avoid in most major cities these days. In most cases, it’s a great deal. Beyond saving you some cash on that sweet loft apartment close to work and trendy restaurants, they also give you someone to veg and binge watch Game of Thrones with. But after a while, even the best roommates can grate on you. In the best cases, you may just need a little more of your own space. In the worst cases, you’re pretty sure you’re going to lose your entire deposit and take out a restraining order and. Last minute moves are no fun, but when they’re necessary, they don’t need to stress you out and cost a fortune. Deciding to move same day? Yeah, we’ve helped out a few people in similar spots. If any of the below scenarios look familiar, download the Dolly app, get a guaranteed quote, and we’ll get you out the door in no time at all.

1. They’re horrifically messy:

2. You’re not sure if they have a job, because all they do is party. 

3. You’ve discovered they have a really bad temper.

4.They work from home at all hours and type really…loud.


5. You know they regularly take your cereal and drink your milk.

6. They have a gratingly loud morning routine.

7. Unfortunately, you discover you just have an incredibly annoying roommate

8. They have strange and gross bathroom habits.

9. They host strange parties.



10. They’re always late to pay rent.

 11. You finally know you just need to disappear and get your own pad. 

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