Moving a Clawfoot Tub: How One Woman Got Help from Dolly

Everyone can remember a furniture piece in their childhood home that was almost a part of the family. Maybe it was the couch you sat on when your parents told you that you were going to be a big sister, the race car bed that you wanted to sleep in forever (but outgrew way too quickly), or the giant table that your entire extended family would gather around on every holiday. For Brittny, that object was a clawfoot tub at her grandmother’s house, which was her sanctuary after spending long days playing outside. When she discovered it and found she could bring it home again, she was thrilled.

But how do you get an incredibly heavy (not to mention delicate) vintage clawfoot tub home? For Brittny, there was only way: use Dolly.

Finding the Right Footing

Brittny found the tub due a peculiar set of circumstances: “I took a friend sightseeing in my grandma’s old, small town [on the Olympic Peninsula]. We drove by her house, which is now being remodeled by the new owner. It looks amazing, and I drove around the block to see the backyard. To my surprise, her old clawfoot tub was sitting in the backyard, covered in a tarp! I immediately wrote the homeowner a note and slipped it inside the front door. ‘This was my favorite place as a child,’ I told them. ‘If you’re not going to use the tub in the house, could I have it?’

“[A few days later], they said yes! I was elated, thinking about how I’d remodel my tiny bathroom around this magnificent tub. And then I realized I’d have to get it from her old house, three hours away, to where I live now.”

Brittny was able to get a truck from a friend for the six-hour round trip drive, and the new owners helped her lift the tub into the truck. But she knew getting it out of the truck when she got home would be a problem. How was she going to lift a tub, which was hundreds of pounds, all by herself? Brittny put out a call for help on Facebook – and that’s when a friend recommended Dolly.

A Whole Lot of Muscle

Brittny easily booked her Dolly and started the three-hour drive home, excited to start planning her remodel. When she arrived home, and shortly after, her Dolly Helpers joined her. “I had booked two Helpers, and the actually brought a third, in case the tub was too heavy for two. They lifted the tub out of the Explorer, and onto my porch (where it will live until I figure out how to remodel a bathroom!). It only took about five minutes!”

Brittny’s now looking forward to working on her bathroom remodel, and she’ll certainly use Dolly again. “If you need help, especially in lifting or moving something that’s too heavy for you, just call Dolly.”