8 Stores Like IKEA for Affordable, Modern Furniture

IKEA is a furniture favorite for many reasons: a huge selection, low prices, a fun showroom, and tasty treats at the end of your shopping excursion. But at a certain point–like when you notice that six of your friends all have the same Lack table in their living room–you might want to start shopping for … Read more

4 Chic IKEA Hacks to Help Stretch Your Dollar

We know – buying IKEA furniture can require hours of aggravating, wrist-twinging setup with an Allen Wrench. But when it comes to stretching your dollar, the Swedish mega warehouse of impossible-to-pronounce names is tough to beat. And yet, purposeful or not, IKEA furniture is highly hackable. The minimalist stylings and colors – and the lower … Read more

Let Dolly Make Your IKEA Run!

Dolly’s making your life easier. We’re doing IKEA runs throughout the Seattle area on Thursday, May 18. We all know that going to IKEA is a whirlwind. The lack of parking, huge crowds, endless aisles—it can be overwhelming to say the least. That’s why we’re going FOR you. Receive that bed you’ve been eyeing AND the Swedish … Read more

5 Things You Didn’t Know About IKEA

Most people have heard about the magical furniture land that is IKEA. But what really  is IKEA? Besides a haven for meatball lovers, maze fans, and anything and everything you might need for you home, it’s a spot with much dirt to be uncovered. You’re so lucky you have us. First thing’s first… 1. What … Read more