In our Day in the Life series, we introduce you to a member of the Dolly team and give you a peek into what it’s like to work for Dolly.
Name: Clare Krawitz
Title: Junior Product Manager
How long have you been working at Dolly?
2+ years
What do you do here at Dolly?
I am currently the product manager for our app team and I specialize in UX research and design.
What’s your favorite thing about working at Dolly?
I have grown so much and had multiple roles at Dolly (Support, Operations Team Lead, UX Designer, Product Manager). I really like that Dolly embraces the growth mindset and gives you opportunities to grow if you work hard.
I also really respect and like my co-workers and the culture here at Dolly. Everyone cares so much about holding each other up and working to create freedom of choice, time and freedom from worry for our customers.
Any fun facts about yourself that you’d like to share?

- I am from England, this is my first time living on another continent.
- I just had a baby daughter, Evie, she is 6 months old. I am a working mum.
- I commute to work on a fast ferry across the puget sound.
- I live in my own forest with my family and a scrap metal dragon guarding our house.
Clare’s Day in the Life
4:45 AM
This is when I wake up, nurse with my daughter Evie, feed her some sweet potatoes (her fave right now) and get ready for work as quickly as possible (makeup optional, and don’t forget to pack the pump bottles!).

I make sure my mother in law has everything she needs to take Evie to daycare: change of clothes, bottles, etc. I feed our cat, Marmite, and our dog, Maggie.
I leave early so I can stop at Starbucks drive thru, because you know, I am a caffeine addict these days. (The lady knows me there so ordering is very quick!) Don’t worry, I also get a good wholesome oatmeal to eat on the ferry.
6:45 AM
I park my Mini Cooper in the car park (parking lot, whatever!) and walk over to the fast ferry. The sun is rising and the water looks beautiful. This is one of my favorite parts of the day, my commute to work.
7:05 AM
Air pods in, coffee in hand and time to board the ferry.
Whilst eating my oatmeal, I like to listen to a good podcast (Ted Talks and 99% Invisible are my faves right now).

Today I saw a “fried egg” jellyfish in the water.
7:45 AM

Arrive in Seattle and huff it up 5 blocks of HILL to work. My Apple watch beeps at me, “are you working out?” Yes Apple watch, it definitely feels that way!
8:00 AM

My first pump time of the day. Being a new mother, Dolly really have taken care of me and I have a wonderful cozy lactation room that I use throughout the day (I even have a hippo footstool!). During this time, I usually plan out my day to include some defensive calendaring to make sure I stay organized.
8:30 AM
Time to shoot off some slack messages and organize my Trello board. Looks like I have some interview training today! I am excited.
9:00 AM

Interview Training has started. It was a really great refresher just in time as we ramp up our hiring here at Dolly!
At 9:40, we have a 20 min stand up as a product team. I give my update via slack as I am currently in this training.
11:30 AM
We get catered office pizza and salad today, whoop! Fridays are a good day.
One of my co-workers shows me this meme during lunch, we all find it hilarious!

After lunch, it’s back to work.
2:00 PM
Show and Tell. I like to present in these meetings and have gained a reputation for my gif choices. I do not disappoint.
Today we did trivia after our recent market launches in Columbus, Charlotte and Detroit. I did not win but it’s exciting to learn more about all the markets we are launching in!
2:30 PM

Back to work, wait just kidding. Time for more coffee. Yum.
3:00 PM
Meeting with Miranda (Communications Specialist) and Alice (Software Engineer) to talk about how to improve communication across teams. It was a very productive meeting.
4:00 PM

Last pump of the day, then I leave for the ferry. There is no shade as they are repairing the dock so I inevitably boil in the sun…
6:00 PM

Give Evie a bath, feed her, get her ready for bed, read to her, change her, get her bottles ready for the next day.
20 minutes on our exercise bike. Feed myself. Quick glass of wine and wind down with my husband.
Quick shower. Pump. Set alarm to wake up at 11:30pm to pump, and then… to Sleep (for a few hours anyway, unless Evie wakes up!). GOOD NIGHT (phew!).
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