Office Decor Ideas That’ll Make Your Stuffy Office Downright Fun

The office: as much as you may hate to admit it, it’s basically your second home. But it probably looks pretty ugly – er, different compared to your actual home. At your house, you have a well-curated furniture collection, unique art and framed photos, even some fun accent pieces to personalize your space. But at … Read more

Everything You Need to Create Your Perfect NaNoWriMo Writing Nook

Every November, writers around the world put their pens to paper (or fingers to laptop keys) and participate in National Novel Writing Month, where writers aim to write a 50,000 word novel over the month of November. If you’re participating and have been writing since November 1st, you’re probably starting to feel the exhaustion and … Read more

The 6 Best Office Games for Your Company

It’s pretty simple, if you’re working non-stop around the clock, you’re going to burn out. In the workplace, exhaustion and mental fatigue rear their ugly heads in untold ways – but studies have shown it definitely leads to decreased motivation, increased errors, and dulled critical thinking. If you’re exhausted at work or manage people who … Read more