Finding Moving Boxes is About to Get Easier: Introducing the Seattle Box Exchange

When it comes time to move, your to-do list can feel impossibly long: formally inform your landlord that you’re vacating, call the utilities company to make sure you’re not over billed, update your address, and of course, packing. And in all that chaos, it’s easy to forget one very important task: buying moving boxes.

So instead of scouring the internet to find used moving boxes, or running all over town to get some new moving boxes home, the Dolly team created something that does just that. Enter the Seattle Box Exchange, our new site that makes the chore of finding and transporting your moving boxes a one-click task.

Find Used Moving Boxes

If you’re looking for used moving boxes, you have quite the task ahead of you. Between Craigslist, NextDoor, Facebook Marketplace, OfferUp, LetGo, and about a dozen other sites that offer reselling, it can be time-consuming to go from site to site, looking for a listing that’s in the right place and has the right boxes for you. Now, the Seattle Box Exchange does all the site-scouring for you. We’ve collected all the listings from around the Seattle area – and around the internet – and put them on one webpage for you to review. Simply review the list, click the one that looks like a good fit, and see the original listing.

Check out all the listings on the Seattle Box Exchange here.

Buy New Boxes

Looking to start fresh? Get a kit that includes everything you need for your move: five large, five small, and ten medium sized boxes, plus a roll of packing tape to keep it all together.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Order as many moving kits as you need on the Seattle Box Exchange.
  2. Tell us where we should deliver your kit(s).
  3. Your moving kits will be delivered right to your doorstep on the following Thursday.*

* Addresses must be within Dolly’s Seattle service area to be eligible for delivery.

Ready to start thinking outside the box? Check out the Seattle Box Exchange and get moving!