Craigslist has been around, well, forever. And in that time, minus a few tweaks here and there, it has hardly changed. It’s overwhelming, not phone-friendly, and you have to be on the lookout for scammers and flakes lurking behind every post. No bueno. Yet, it remains a go-to for those of us looking to get a great deal, sell items locally, find services, and even look for work. We’ve dealt with it forever because we’ve kind of had to.
And while companies have popped up over the years trying to tame the Craigslist beast, none have really touched its success – that is, until the smartphone matured.
Today, if you’re looking to sell or buy something, there are a number of awesome Craigslist alternatives that cut out the noise and make it easy to browse anything from credenzas to Coach bags. Many of them offer better security, simpler, visual browsing, quick listings, and a whole lot more specificity
For hose who’d prefer to avoid scams and shady buyers
The elephant in the room, OfferUp throws its growing weight and traffic behind offering users tools and services designed to protect against scammers. Its TruYou program gives you a verified ID badge. You can also connect your account to Facebook to see if you have any shared connections, which prevents fraudsters from pulling their old annoying tricks – like trying to see if you take check or PayPal. The selling experience is super simple: just snap a photo, set a price, craft a standout post, and you’re off and running. Apparently it’s working, as some stories claim users spend as much time on OfferUp each day as they do on Instagram and Snapchat. Whoa.
For the early tech adopter with too much gear
If you’re like us, you have a drawer or closet filled with accumulating tech gear, taking up valuable space in your pad. You can recycle your gear, but if you want to make a few bucks to afford the next shiny new thing, Gazelle is worth a look. They offer quick quotes, charge no fees, cover the shipping, and even offer same-day payment. And, if you’re on the fence because of any leftover data (ahem, party pics) locked in your broken phone, don’t sweat it. Gazelle wipes all devices clean before refurbishing.
For selling to friends (and, yeah, the parents of friends)
Sometimes it’s best to stick with what you know and are already using. Facebook relaunched its marketplace feature in October 2016, an effort designed to make it, you guessed it, more visual and easier to shop from people in your community. It’s located as a tab at the bottom of your app and is just a click away from all the other Facebook browsing you’re already doing each day (and night). As with the other apps, there still isn’t a way to buy and sell through the app itself. You’re on the hook for managing your business the old-fashioned way – in person and with cash. But, on the bright side, that person may just be your friend’s mom who randomly follows your status updates.
For the cash-strapped fashionista with a full closet
It’s beaucoup expensive to stay on fashion’s cutting edge – and online clothing consignment companies are popping up all over the place to serve the secondary market of those who like to wear once and ditch. There are higher-paying services, but Tradesy strikes a nice balance between the effort required to post clothes and accessories, and the cashola you can make from listings. Selling with Tradesy is pretty darn simple, the directions are clear, and when you make a sale they send you a sweet prepaid shipping kit to pack up your item. They also have a flat commission structure, which helps you avoid doing complicated math. Always a plus And it’s not just clothes – you can list almost anything, from that Gucci Bengal-print tote you used once, to the Valentino pumps that never saw the light of day after your wedding. No matter which service you choose, the alternate option is throwing everything in a bag and carting it off to your local consignment shop. If you can make a few bucks doing the same thing from your phone on the way to work, it’s definitely worth a shot.
For garage-salers who prefer to deal with neighbors
No doubt – NextDoor can be a noisy place filled with an equal measure of neighborhood gossip, random local recommendations (ayurvedic dog dieticians? Check), and a grab-bag classified section. But its greatest benefit is rooted in its organization by neighborhood, which allows you to specify with precision who you want to see your ad. In our experience, local listings led to far fewer no-shows and a lot more confidence about the identities of people contacting us. Because, hey, you kind of know where they live.
Remember: With all of the above, you’ll probably get the inevitable two comments from buyers when you sell any oversized item:
- Can you help me move it?
- I’ll have to get back to you after I borrow a truck from my friend or rent a car (crickets)
The logistics of selling online can be a total buzzkill to the initial thrill of thinking you’ve got a done deal on your hands.
And while the above services offer a ton of cool features, buyers are still on their own for payment and transportation. And while we can’t speak to the cashola, we can definitely hook your buyer up with a quick move.
When you’re pulling together your ad, recommend downloading Dolly. Listings that include information about easy moving options for those with small cars – or no cars at all – can increase your sale price and decrease your sales time.
To help get you going, here’s a little magic copy to spiff up your ad:
Need a helping hand moving this item? Download the Dolly app to get a quick, guaranteed estimate and book your move directly from your phone. Easy.
Dolly helps you move on your schedule and at an affordable price. Book now and see the difference: